21 Mar before and after – here and now
before and after – here and now
as a fitness studio, our aim is to create a space where you can explore your own strength, endurance, stamina, and self-belief. we are a weight-inclusive space and we don’t endorse static images as being representative of experience. what we mean by that is: a photo will never capture a feeling. a before and after image will often minimise the full experience of who you are and what you’re doing as you move your magnificent body. we are inviting you to think of yourself and your movement experience in a different way
not minimising our complex lives to a before.
not shrinking our multitudinous selves to an after.
not believing we have to be some kind of work in progress.
not enforcing a journey, a future self, an if, a when, an only when.
before and after is not what is here and now
your here and now body belongs in fitness spaces
your here and now body is always capable when you give yourself permission to modify
your here and now body is worthy of respect and patience and belief
your here and now body does not need to be punished or overruled
your here and now body can be accepted
and celebrated
and listened to
and appreciated
for all that it does.
the above post originally appeared as an instagram post on sunday march 20th 2022
echelon is a body-affirming indoor cycling studio in the heart of dublin city. we get on the bike not to shrink ourselves, but to take up space and celebrate our here-and-now bodies. in the dark, covered in sweat, we recognise our capacities and our strength. all bodies, in all their diversity of size, shape, fitness level, race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender and age are welcome.
let’s ride