26 Jun echelon academy scholarship autumn/winter 2021
diversifying the fitness industry
echelon indoor cycling is pleased to announce that it is offering two scholarship places in its echelon academy this autumn/winter for the purpose of diversifying the fitness industry.
echelon has always endeavoured to be a place where everyone feels welcome and included while nurturing their desire to move and sweat. this scholarship will provide an opportunity to those who have not traditionally seen themselves represented in the fitness community in dublin, to work in a fun, dynamic, high energy industry.
the industry in dublin has notoriously lacked diversity in two distinct areas: race/ethnicity and body-size. at echelon, we made a commitment last summer that we would upgrade our inclusion, diversity, equity and action protocols and do our part to make small yet vital changes in our community for bipoc folks wishing to foster their love of fitness. additionally, since echelon’s founding, we have declared that we are a health at every size® aligned studio (haes) and while we pride ourselves in our weight-inclusive approach, the absence of folks in bigger bodies rocking the podium has been a point of reflection for some time. we strongly feel it is our responsibility to be part of this change and help improve the access and visibility of bipoc folks and folks in bigger bodies in the fitness industry .
we invite anyone to apply who fits the following criteria:
-all genders welcome
-all ages welcome
-we are particularly interested in hearing from applicants that identify as bipoc for one of the scholarships
-we are particularly interested in hearing from applicants that identify as fat or living in a bigger body for one of the scholarships
application process
-deadline for applications is friday 24th september 2021
-shortlisted applicants to be interviewed first week of october 2021
-the successful applicants will be informed by mid october and begin the training in november 2021
please email us at info@echelon.ie under the subject ‘scholarship 2021’ and tell us a little about yourself, your relationship to fitness and how this opportunity would be a good fit. we will be back to all applicants as per the dates above.